The Siege

By: Andrew Blank


Players: 2
Maps: 10, 11
Rules: 1.6


The Elves and Orcs had been at war for a long time. After years of conflict, the Elves
were forced to concede the great fortress at Neya to the Orcs. Elven lands were cut
nearly in half, giving them only the Cherwood Forest and the poor lands north of the
Searbo Channel to live in. The Orcs kept all of their lands, plus the great fortress at Neya
along with the villages of Spruce and Pine. That is where the line held, and peace was
finally negotiated.

Years passed, and the Orcs became complacent with their superior position. They used
the control of the channel that Neya afforded them to tax outside ocean trade with the
Elves. They assumed their greatness would continue unabated.

The Elves had another fate in mind for the Orcs, however. Their bitter defeat and loss of
lands was not a pill they intended to swallow forever. After rebuilding their forces, and
with careful planning, a trap was sprung. A great force of Elves rolled out of the East
from the Cherwood Forest catching the Orcs completely by surprise. The lightly
defended villages of Spruce, and then Pine quickly fell. After securing these prizes, the
Elves swept northward to the gates of Neya. Elven armies from north of the channel
swarmed down the roads to complete the surrounding of the great fortress. It was here
the coordinated final attack on Neya would begin.

The plan was almost perfect, but not quite. An Orc runner from Spruce had made it to
Neya just barely ahead of the Elven armies. Neya rallied what defenses it had, and
secured its gates. An Orc Shakla sent a magical message south to the Orc homeland,
requesting relief. The Elves took up position surrounding the fortress, and “The Siege”


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